Friday, May 15, 2009


Are our elected officoials conspiring with GE to award contracts under the administration policies of:

1. Green Energy?

2. Cap and Trade?

3. Healthcare?

If you answered yes to any of these then there is possibly a clar violation of the organized crime statues by our elected officials!

We all know that NBC news is in the tank for the Obama Administration. If you don't already know GE owns NBC.

GE is currently the only manufacturer of wind turbines!

What happened to the administration pledge fr "clean coal"? Oh wait if you listen closely when Obama ALMOST said "clean coal" he hesitated and in fact said "clean energy".

Dear coal industry YOU HAVE BEEN HAD by ne of the oldest political tricks in the book and Obama can say he never talked about "clean Coal Technology" what he in fact said was "we put a man on the moon in ten years you can't tell me we can't burn coal ttthat we mine right here! We need to invest in clean um energy technology" and sadly he will be telling the truth.

Once again Coal Industry YOU HAVE BEEN HAD!.

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