Monday, June 15, 2009



If you, the average American citizen does not stand up and say "ENOUGH" then who will speak for your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren?

Government spending is out of control! Government control of free enterprise is likewise out of control! The president thinks he can hire and fire, at will, anyone who disagrees with him.

ALL of this is totally unconstitutional! Worse yet the current administration seems to hold sway over the courts! It would seem that no one is willing to stand up and say ENOUGH to the president of the United States.

My friends and fellow Americans THIS IS NOT what the framers of the Constitution of the Unit3ed States Envisioned!!! Our fore-fathers feared "big Government" and wrote a document that, they hoped, would prevent big government. Sadly, since the early 1900's, power grabbers in government have eroded the tenants of that great document to the point that, today, it bears little resemblance to the original constitution.

I submit to you that the framers of that great document spent MONTHS going over the wording that was to be included in the final document. They wanted to insure that the document would stand the test of time and "mean what it said and said what it maned"! The bill of rights was added to insure that individual rights were set forth and could not be taken away from the people! The bottom line is that the document means what it says and it says what it means. The framers intended that there be no room for future "interpretation" which is what the 'progressives' would have you believe.

Read it, learn it, LIVE IT! The Constitution of the United States of America gives "WE THE PEOPLE (not the government) ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTY AND CONTROL OF OUR OWN DESTINY!

Stand up and be counted! Take your protest signs to the streets. Make your voice heard! Do not allow tyranny to reign supreme in the USA FOR THAT IS WHAT OUR FOREFATHERS PLEDGED THEIR LIVES, THEIR FORTUNES, AND THEIR DESTINY, TO PRESERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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