Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's about time ! !

A few of the states have proposed legislation and one has passed legislation that reaffirms STATES RIGHTS!


For all intents and purposes the erosion of States Rights began at the beginning of the civil war. At the first part of the 1900's the 'progressives' on BOTH sides of the isle began enacting federal legislation that effectively wrested control of the sovereignty of the individual states away and laid control at the feet of the federal government. This process, sadly, has continued in one form or another until today. Only Presidents Kennedy and Regan realized that big government was the root of many problems within the country. Sadly President Kennedy did not have time to push through the legislation he felt was important. However, by the grace of God, President Regan in fact followed much of the Kennedy plan of reducing government and the tax burden on the people of this country.
In the words of President Regan "Government is not the solution to the problem GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!"

Recently the congress and white house have gone on a spending spree that We The People can not afford at the end of the Bush administration and continues to loom even larger into the Obama administration. Our Children, grand children, and very likely their children will paying the bill well into the next melineum! Much of the billions "invested" has been squandered and, unlike We The People were promised by our elected leaders in Washington, will NEVER be recovered. That is just more money our descendants will have to pay back! Worse yet they are planning on throwing even more of our money down the black hole knowing full well they are wasting our children's future in the bargain!

However there is a light at the end of the tunnel! If the individual states will join with the pioneers Utah, Montana, and Texas and demand their sovereignty be restored even the Supreme Court has little choice but to uphold the principles of states rights that our founders envisioned! This will effectively wrest control of your destiny away from the federal government and put it in the hands of your state legislators who are easier to reach with concerns and who realize that they must rely on their constituents for their continued employment. Further, every decision they make will impact you quickly so that you can easily evaluate their performance and vote to remove those who do not serve the best interests of We The People!

Encourage your individual state legislatures to follow the lead of Utah, Montana, and Texas in enacting legislation that puts the brakes on the federal control of interstate commerce. Through the regulation of interstate commerce the Federal government has been able to virtually control every aspect of life in the US. By having each state enact legislation limiting the control of federal intervention in interstate commerce several things will happen. Jobs will be created in your state to fill the needs within your respective state. Federal taxes on those items will be eliminated resulting in lower cost to the consumer. These are only two of the potential benefits to be realized by such legislation.

Hurry though ! ! !

If you delay the current administration has time to appoint supreme court justices that can put a halt to the states reclaiming their rights and further stripping you of your individual rights granted to you under the Constitution! This must not be allowed to happen! Contact your legislatures TODAY and tell them to follow the lead of other states. By all means PRAY for those currently on the court. Pray for their health and pray that their hearts be guided by our founding fathers who believed that government should fear the people but We, The People, should not have to fear the government!

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