Wednesday, July 29, 2009



That's right and you had better believe it. Elections have consequences and now OBAMA is the captain of the boat called the USA. He has charted the course and he is in charge of the crew. Who are the crew? ACORN and it's many tentacles and the SEIU which if you investigate is nothing more than another name for ACORN.

WE THE PEOPLE have turned 270 degrees (for those who can't read a compass that is due west or due LEFT!

It is high time that the passengers on this ship, who far outnumber the captain and crew, make their wishes known!

If you like the direction we are heading, Bigger government, federal control of your very life, and liberty then do nothing. If you are opposed to this travesty which is totally unconstitutional and against the best interest of the country then speak up. Call your representatives and express your concerns. NO SOMEONE ELSE WILL NOT DO IT IT IS UP TO YOU AND IT IS YOUR CIVIC DUTY TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

I don't care if your are a republican, democrat, in dependant, or libertarian your (OUR) collective loss of our individual and states rights should scare the heck outa everybody!

Universal health care under the OBAMA plan? Talk to the folks in Massachusetts, California, and Hawaii. They all tried it and it bankrupted all of em as it has every European country that has tried the same thing. Do we need health care reform? YOU BET WE DO but at the same time we have the best health care system in the WORLD so why fix what ain't broke. Federal regulation can easily solve the problems we have without going to a socilaist medical system. How? How about first off making it illegal for insurers to deny folks with pre-existing conditions? How about, rather than taxing health benefits, giving citizens and companies TAX BREAKS for providing health care? There are a LOT of good ideas out there that don't include government control (which will lead to rationing it has everywhere else it has been tried) and provide for everyone!!

The definition of STUPID is this "Doing exactly the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"!!!

The current administration would have you believe "Yeah but this time it will be different!" IF you believe that I invite you to re-read the above sentence as many times as it takes for you to get the message that NO IT WON"T BE DIFFERENT AS LONG AS YOU TRY THE SAME APPROACH THAT HAS FAILED EVEYWHERE ELSE IT HAS BEEN TRIED!!!!!!!!!